Remember to put on sound.
We are serching for a VA/Coordinator in the following countries/regions:
UK and Ireland, Canada, Australia and NewZeeland, South Africa and Africa.
Other English speaking countries could be considered.

Economio is a boardgame determined to teach young people about personal economy and how to prioritise the money they have. The boardgame was launched fully in Norway at the start of 2019, and is already sold to numerous families and schools around the country. We have won several prizes for best design and just got the DOGA mark (Doga is the highest design and architect mark you can get in Norway - you can read about it HERE -sorry use google translate) but even more important is the fantastic feedback from schools, families and young people. It is just overwhelming. Read some of them at the bottom of this page.
Who we are looking for:
Both professionals (companies) and private persons can apply.
We are looking for people with the following capabilities and competence:
- Structured
- Working capacity in February, March and August 2nd 2020 to August 10th 2020 (trip to Norway)
- Interest for and possible experience in marketing.
- Not afraid to contact people and an easy talker
- Co-operative
- Honest and Humorous :-)
Whats in it for you:
In the month of march 2020 Economio will run a campaign on, for the english version of Economio. As we speak we are working on designing the campaign and website in English. The mission is to get a minimum sale of 550.000 USD, but we aim for 5 mill USD. This meen we either get 550.000 from kickstarter or nothing. We think we have a real chance of funding, as we see projects like "Exploding kittens" have got over 8,5 million USD in funding before. You can see the most funded boardgames on kickstarter here.
The work:
We need to get onboard a lot of influencers and others to be able to reach this goal, and need your help. As an VirtualAssistent/Coordinater this will be your work:
February 2020:
- Get on board as many "talkers" as possible (people who will post the Kichstarter campaign on their sosial media), and be part of a lottery to win a trip to Norway if the campaing goes through. They should be spread around your region.
- Get on board "ambassadors/influencers" from your region (people will blog/reach out to schools/reach out to parens, parentsgroup etc). We will decide together with you how many we should recruit in your region. They will get paid as a commision if the kickstarter comes through, and also be a part of the lottery to win a trip to Norway.
March 2020:
- Coordinate the "talkers" and "ambassadors in your region, and follow up on their progress during the campaign.
- Be an ambassador your self.
August 2020, if we reach our Kickstarter goal:
- Be a travel coordinator for the winners in your region to the Norway trip.
Further work in 2020:
We most likely will need to continue the work in your region, if we reach our goal. Coordinating sales, distribution etc. This is not a part of the assignment for now, but will be discussed with each of you.
The goal:
Fixed payment:
The fixed payment is not so much, but the bonus if we reach our goal will as you see be richly rewarded. The fixed salary will be 300 USD, payed as soon as you are hired, and 300 USD as soon as the kickstarter campaign starts.
Payment if and when we reach our kickstarter goal:
If and when we reach our goal of 550.000 USD, you will get a payment of 1000 USD. In addition you will get a 2% sale from pledges bought from your region, up to1.000.000 USD in the total campaign. For the above, 0,5% will be paid out to you. This amount of course will vary from region to region, but if we split the regions even it will mean approximatly 2.000 USD for the minimum campaign and if we reach 5 mill in the total campaign, this could mean a paiment of approx 10.000 pr. VA. Also you be guaranteed a fully paid trip to Norway in August if we reach the minimum campaign budget.
Here is how we plan to present the campaign for talkers and ambassadors:
We will discuss with you regional adjustments if needed:
Become one of our talkers....
What we expect:
- Mention and link to our kicksterter on your sosial media.
Reward if we reach our goal:
- For every mention and link you will get one ticket in the Economio Norway trip lottery.

Become one of our Ambassadors.
What we expect:
- Follow our campaign plan to market the Economio kickstarter campaign in your state/country.
Reward if we reach our goal:
- A prosetage for every game sold on kickstarter.
- Possibility to go on the Economio Norway trip.